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Motorola Walky Talky Battery

With the assistance of our trusty battery, you are ready for hours of hands-free conversation with your Motorola Walky Talky! Our Motorola Walky Talky Battery gives you dependable and continuous power if you are on the job, hiking in the wilderness, or simply using the gadget at home, permitting you to keep in touch with your coworkers or family hands-free. Our Motorola Walky Talky Battery might be used as a substitute for your old battery without the need for any specialized equipment or technical knowledge. To get started, just take out the old battery and put in the new one.


Battery GP328-338

  • Battery:1450 mah
  • Color:Black
  • Body Material:Metal
Price: 1800 INR/Piece

Motorola MTP 850 Battery

  • Body Material:Metal
  • Color:Black
  • Battery:high capacity
  • Warranty:1 year
Price: 2500 INR/Piece

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